Grilled musky octopus and broad bean puree
(4 servings)
250 g. decorticated dry broad beans
800 g. musky octopuses
2 slices of stale bread
A few chicory puntarelle as garnish
Salt and pepper
Extra virgin olive oil Toscano PGI
1 organic lemon
Wash carefully the dry broad beans and cook them in abundant water for around 40 minutes. Once they are ready drain them right away.
Clean the musky octopuses by removing their eyes and mouth, clear skeleton and innards and wash them under cold running water. Separate the head from the tentacles. Cut the head into rings and wash thoroughly to remove traces of sand. Then drain them.
Mix the juice of half a lemon with olive oil and marinate the musky octopuses with the emulsion for approximately one hour.
Cut the stale bread into cubes, then heat a non-stick pan, add some oil and toast them for a few minutes.
Remove the croutons from the pan and use the same pan to cook the moscardini on a high heat for approximately 15 minutes, adding some water when needed. Make sure all the water evaporates before turning off the fire.
Blend the broad beans with an immersion blender adding some salt and extra virgin olive oil Toscano PGI.
Spread the broad bean purèe on a plate, put the musky octopuses, the croutons and the chicory puntarelle slices (or any other crunchy vegetables of your choice) on top of the purèe and serve.