Wellness Champion


Wellness is a multidimensional concept. Wellness is more than being free from illness;  it’s an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Top quality olive oil is part of human well-being, not only for its nutritional properties.

Wellness is significantly influenced by the social and cultural environments in which we live, as much as natural environments. Extra virgin olive oil strongly affects all of these aspects of life. Let’s see how:

Extra virgin Olive oil with its tasty and diverse flavor gives comfort and gratification when added to foodstuffs; it’s a recognised safe ingredient, therefore enhancing physical wellness and health.
Olive trees  contribute to environmental protection and the preservation of historical Italian harmonious landscapes, because a beautiful environment is also responsible for a feeling of well-being.

Make healthy choices for your wellness. #oliotoscanoigp #campionedibenessere